我們的品牌 Our Brands
Vesirio是一家來自米蘭專注於人造鑽石的珠寶品牌。 Vesirio以鑽石打造了多款精美絕倫的鑽石首飾:鑽戒、項鍊、耳環等。 以創新的設計與高超的科技技術,Vesirio的珠寶史無前例的成為人造鑽石市場中意義非凡且品質優異的代表。
Vesirio is a Milan-based jewelry brand specializing in lab-created diamonds. Vesirio has crafted a range of exquisitely unparalleled diamond jewelry: rings, necklaces, earrings, and more. With innovative design and superior technological craftsmanship, Rolary's jewelry has unprecedentedly become a significant and high-quality representative in the lab-created diamond market.
Luna Eden致力於生產精緻和高品質的無色實驗室培育鑽石首飾。 大自然神秘、靜謐的夜晚賦予了我們品牌靈感。 以現代、簡單和獨特的設計勾勒出愛情的形狀。 透過客製化生產的實驗室培育鑽石,我們的鑽石首飾為您留住難忘的甜蜜時刻和浪漫的回憶。
Luna Eden is dedicated to producing exquisite and high-quality colorless lab-grown diamond jewelry. The mysterious and serene night sky serves as the inspiration for our brand. Our designs are modern, simple, and unique, capturing the essence of love. Through custom-crafted lab-grown diamonds, our jewelry preserves unforgettable sweet moments and romantic memories for you.
Sunny Eden成立於加州,始終屹立於紀念鑽石產業的先鋒地位。 Sunny Eden利用從頭髮中提取的碳作為來源製作精美的實驗室培育鑽石。 Sunny Eden的誕生賦予了鑽石訂婚戒指真正的價值,並見證了許多浪漫的愛情故事。 我們的使命是以獨特和有意義的方式,創造每個人都能擁有的耀眼鑽石,並為客戶提供個人化的客製化體驗。
Sunny Eden, established in California, stands at the forefront of the commemorative diamond industry. Utilizing carbon extracted from hair as the source, Sunny Eden produces exquisite lab-grown diamonds. The inception of Sunny Eden has endowed diamond engagement rings with true value, witnessing numerous romantic love stories. Our mission is to create dazzling diamonds accessible to everyone in a unique and meaningful way, providing a personalized custom experience for our clients.
Mount Tisé鑽石是科技與浪漫的完美結合。 我們致力於為客戶提供優質的個人化服務和近乎完美的實驗室鑽石,並始終堅持永續理念。 Mount Tisé實驗室鑽石是量身訂做的,專為客戶的愛情故事而設計,彰顯閃耀個性,捕捉非凡時刻。
Mount Tisé Diamonds represent the perfect fusion of technology and romance. We are committed to providing our clients with high-quality personalized service and nearly flawless lab-grown diamonds, always adhering to sustainable practices. Mount Tisé lab-grown diamonds are custom-made, designed specifically for each customer's love story, highlighting a radiant personality and capturing extraordinary moments.