m-Care Technology Limited 隸屬於Lab-S集團,是一家專門從事珠寶生產和銷售的國際公司。2014年, m-Care在中國香港成立,主營優質品牌代理營運以及跨境諮詢服務,隨後業務不斷擴展,並陸續在北京、中國台灣、美國、英國、歐盟等地開設分公司,並開放自 有系統及產業鏈,提供客戶專業且全面的定位策略諮詢、策略規劃、品牌設計管理、全通路行銷等服務。 同時開始投資自設工廠,進行珠寶等高端奢飾品的設計、研發及生產。
m-Care Technology Limited, a subsidiary of the Lab-S Group, is an international company specializing in jewelry production and sales. Established in Hong Kong, in 2014, m-Care has been focused on high-quality brand agency operations and cross-border consulting services for years. The company has since expanded its business and successively opened subsidiaries in Beijing, Taiwan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. It also developed its own systems and industry chain, offering customers professional and comprehensive services in positioning strategy consultation, strategic planning, brand design management, and omnichannel marketing. Additionally, m-Care began investing in its own factories for the design, research and development, and production of jewelry and other high-end luxury goods.
We are committed to providing excellent and professional services to clients worldwide, with a customer-centric and market-oriented approach. We adhere to a people-first corporate culture and continue to forge ahead in the jewelry industry.
M-Care boasts a team of professionals with an international background, providing clients with the most professional consulting and design services, helping them gain an advantage in the increasingly competitive market.
M-Care旗下擁有多家知名珠寶品牌,分佈於各不同國家。 我們旗下的每個品牌皆擁有獨有的高精尖技術,並以獨特的創意設計為基礎,堅定不移地專注於打造精美絕倫的珠寶以及鑽石。
M-Care owns several renowned jewelry brands, distributed across various countries. Each brand under our umbrella possesses unique cutting-edge technology and is founded on distinctive creative designs, unwaveringly focusing on crafting exquisitely unparalleled jewelry and diamonds.
Join Us
我們致力於為全世界的客戶提供優秀和專業的服務,並以客戶為中心,以市場為導向,在珠寶行業中勇往直前。 無論何時,無論何地,我們總是與傑出人才和尖端技術同行。 如果你身懷奇思妙想、聰明才智和改變產業的熱情,歡迎加入我們! 我們為你提供綻放才華的舞台。
We are committed to providing excellent and professional services to customers around the world, centering on customer needs and market-oriented strategies, boldly advancing in the jewelry industry. Wherever and whenever, we always walk alongside outstanding talents and cutting-edge technology. If you possess innovative ideas, intelligence, and a passion to transform the industry, we welcome you to join us! We offer a stage for you to showcase your talents.
m-Multinational 跨國團隊
c-Customisable 客製服務
a-Aesthetic 審美清新脫俗
r-Responsible 認真負責任
e-Empathetic 具備同理心
聯絡我們 Contact Us
m-Care Techonology Limited
九龍 荔枝角 永康街55號
金百盛中心 32樓3206室
週一至週五 09:00 - 18:00
+852 3500 7162
110411 台北市 信義區 松智路1號 華新麗華大樓 11樓
週一至週五 09:00 - 18:00
(02) 87292353
週一至週五 09:00 - 18:00
(028) 8861 2373